[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2021)04-0121-07 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.04.008
[摘 要]随着以互联网、大数据为核心的新科技的出现,在大金融背景下,保险欺诈呈现出新的特征。本文从保险欺诈的欺诈行为、实施者的主观过错、欺诈行为与保险赔偿之间具有因果关系这三个构成要件入手,详细分析了在金融活动相互融合以及互联网、大数据等科技手段广泛运用的当今时代下保险欺诈的三个新特征,并从健全保险欺诈法律法规体系、建立健全跨行业的反保险欺诈协作机制、建立整个保险行业的反欺诈数据一体化管理体系和夯实保险机构的反保险欺诈管理能力四个方面提出具体的保险欺诈防范路径。
New Features of Insurance Frauds under the Pan-financial background and the Path of Risk Prevention
LI Yu-quan,QIAO Shi
Abstract:With the advent of new technologies based on Internet and big data,and under the pan-financial background,insurance frauds have exhibited new features.The Paper proceeded from the three components with causal relationship to insurance claims payments,namely,fraudulent behaviors,subjective faults of the executor and fraudulent activities,and made an in-depth analysis of the three new features of insurance frauds amid today′s wide application of Internet and big data and integration of financial activities.It put forwards specific paths for guarding against insurance frauds from the perspectives of completing laws and regulations on insurance frauds,establishing anti-fraud cooperative mechanism across the whole insurance industry,setting up an integrated management system for anti-fraud data,and consolidating insurance companies′ anti-fraud capability.
Key words:insurance frauds;Internet;insurance claim payment;big data;preventive mechanism