[中图分类号]F842.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2021)10-0079-11 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2021.10.006
[摘 要]数据要素化是数字经济和科技发展到一定阶段后的必然趋势。数据要素化促使保险业出现了一系列结构性的转变趋势,从而对保险监管构成了新挑战。本文分析了数据要素化对保险准入监管、资本充足性监管、市场行为与消费者保护监管、宏观审慎监管等各方面的影响,并据此提出了未来保险监管的改革方向,从监管角度为数据要素在保险业的深入应用提供应对举措和方向建议,也为其他金融领域的数字化和科技发展提供启示。
Data Capitalization and Insurance Regulation Reform
SUO Ling-yan,WU Hai-qing
Abstract:Data capitalization is the inevitable result as the digital economy and InsurTech reaching certain stage.Data capitalization has brought forth a series of structural changes in the insurance industry,which has posed new challenges to insurance regulation.This paper analyzed the impacts of data capitalization on regulatory areas such as market access,capital adequacy,market behavior and consumer protection,and macro & prudential regulation.Based on this,the paper proposed the future reform direction for China′s insurance regulatory system.The measures proposed provided directions for the in-depth application of data elements in the insurance industry,and offered inspirations for digitization and technological development in other financial industries.
Key words:InsurTech;data capitalization;digitization;insurance regulation;regulation reform