
[中图分类号]F840.32 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2022)03-0029-15 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2022.03.003


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[摘   要]兼顾互联网保险产品持续创新与严格风险管控并谨防重大金融风险发生,对保险公司健康发展至关重要。本文基于风险分析、识别、评估和管控的风险管理框架,首先,从阶段式和整体式角度对互联网保险产品创新风险进行分析,厘清了互联网保险产品创新风险形成机理,以综合视角识别出互联网保险产品创新主要风险包括财务风险、信用风险、操作风险和网络技术安全风险;其次,综合运用CRITIC-PCA评价指标度量方法、标准法、AWVS漏洞扫描方法与BP神经网络算法,以142家涉及互联网保险业务的保险公司作为研究样本,构建数据驱动的互联网保险产品创新风险评估模型;最后,针对安全、轻度危机、危险等级的保险公司提出具体的风险管控范式,实现数据驱动的互联网保险产品创新风险管理,保障保险公司健康发展。




A Research on Data-driven Risk Management of Internet Insurance Product Innovation

YUAN Feng,XU Ling-zhu,SHAO Xiang-li

Abstract:Giving equal emphasis on the continuous innovation of Internet insurance products,strict risk control and guarding against major financial risks are very important for the healthy development of insurance companies.Based on the risk management framework of risk analysis,identification,evaluation and control,firstly,the innovation risk of Internet insurance products was analyzed from holistic and per-stage perspectives respectively,and the formation mechanism of Internet insurance product innovation risk was clarified.From the comprehensive perspective,the main risks identified were financial risk,credit risk,operational risk and network technology security risk.Secondly,a data-driven Internet insurance product innovation risk assessment model was constructed by comprehensively using CRITIC-PCA evaluation index measurement method,standard method,AWVS vulnerability scanning method and BP neural network algorithm,and taking 142 insurance companies involved in Internet insurance business as research samples.Finally,specific risk control paradigms were proposed for insurance companies who were safe,with mild crisis or at a risk level. Thus, the data-driven Internet insurance product innovation risk management was realized,which can safeguard the healthy development of insurance companies.

Key words:Internet insurance;product innovation;risk management;data driven