
[中图分类号]F840.66[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)04-0034-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.04.003


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[摘   要]本文采用2011~2021年的省级面板数据,运用双向固定效应模型实证分析种植业保险对农地规模化经营的影响。研究发现,种植业保险能够显著促进农地规模化经营。机制分析显示:种植业保险通过激励农户增加农业资本投入、优化农村劳动力要素配置和推动农业技术进步,引导和激励农户从传统农业生产模式向专业化、集约化的现代生产模式转型,最终促进农地规模化经营。异质性分析表明:在东西部地区、非粮食主产区和不易发生自然灾害地区,种植业保险对农地规模化经营的作用更为显著。基于此,建议中央和地方各级财政进一步提升对种植业保险的补贴力度,特别是提高中部地区和自然灾害高发地区的种植业保险保费补贴力度,推动其从“保成本”向“保收入”转变,激励更多农户从事专业化农业生产,从而助力农地的适度规模经营。




The Incentive Effect of Planting Industry Insurance on the Large-scale Operation of Agricultural Land—Empirical evidence based on provincial panel data from 2011-2021

ZHANG Wei,ZHENG Wei-xia,CHEN Xiao-zhi,LIU Xin-yi,YI Pei

Abstract:Based on the provincial panel data from 2011 to 2021,this paper uses the two-way fixed effect model to analyze the impact of planting insurance on the large-scale operation of agricultural land.It is found that the planting industry insurance can significantly promote the large-scale operation of agricultural land.Mechanism analysis shows that planting insurance encourages farmers to increase capital input,optimize the allocation of rural labor factors and promote the progress of agricultural technology,thus guiding and helping farmers to transform from the traditional agricultural production mode to the specialized and intensive modern production mode,and finally promotes the large-scale operation of agricultural land.The heterogeneity analysis shows that for areas located in the eastern and western regions,non-grain producing areas and areas that are not prone to natural disasters,planting insurance plays a more significant role in the large-scale operation of agricultural land.Based on the above findings,the paper suggests that the central and local governments at all levels should further enhance subsidies for planting insurance,especially for the central region and regions vulnerable to natural disasters,promote the insurance plan from "controlling costs" to "ensuring income",and encourage more farmers to engage in specialized agricultural production,thus boosting farmland moderate-scale operation.

Key words:planting insurance;large scale operation of agricultural land;endowment of arable land resources;motivational effect