
[中图分类号]F840.66[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)08-0057-12 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.08.005


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[摘   要]农业“走出去”是充分利用国内国际两个市场两种资源,促进农业产业结构调整的重要举措。针对不确定性和高风险对涉农企业对外投资造成的不利影响,构建有效的农业海外投资保障机制,对于提升国内粮食及重要农产品供应链韧性具有重要意义。基于对15家涉农企业海外投资情况的调查分析发现,政治风险是涉农企业“走出去”面临的最主要风险,其次是市场风险和自然风险。针对我国农业海外投资保险供给与保障需求结构错配、现有保险条款设计存在缺陷、涉农企业参保积极性不高等问题,本文借鉴美日德农业海外投资保险的发展经验,提出以下建议:制定符合我国国情的农业海外保险制度模式,优化农业海外投资保险的政策体系和体制机制,制定(农业)海外投资保险专门法律,分离农业海外投资保险的经营权与审批权,拓展农业海外投资保险的承保服务范围。




Insurance Support for Overseas Investments of Agriculture-related Firms:Realistic Dilemma,International Experience and Development Ideas

WEI Teng-da,ZHANG Xue-biao,ZHOU Hou-xi,JI Han

Abstract:Agricultural going global is an important measure for fully capitalizing on the two types of resources of the domestic and international markets and promoting the structural adjustment of the agricultural industry.In view of the negative impacts of uncertainty and high risk on the outward foreign direct investment of agriculture-related enterprises,it is of great significance to build an effective risk protection mechanism for overseas agricultural investment to enhance the resilience of the domestic supply chain of food and important agricultural products.Based on the survey and analysis of 15 agriculture-related enterprises,the study shows that policy risk is the most important risk faced by agricultural enterprises going abroad,followed by market risk and natural risk.In view of the structural mismatch between the insurance supply and the protection demands,deficiencies in the design of existing insurance provisions,and the lack of interests of agricultural-related enterprises to participate in the insurance,this paper draws on the experiences of the United States,Japan and Germany in the insurance development of overseas investments by agriculture-related enterprises and puts forward the following recommendations:establishing the institutional model of agricultural overseas investment suitable with Chinese situations,optimizing the policy system and mechanism in relation to insurance for agricultural overseas investment,stipulating specific laws,separating the right of operation and the right of approval for the insurance,and expand the scope of coverage of the insurance.

Key words:overseas investment insurance;agribusiness;agricultural going global;investment risk